is a platform for people being interested in the Pamir Region, the Pamiri People, and their culture. We intend to provide uesful advices for travellers but also in-depth background information about this area. This platform is run and feed by a independent group of Pamir-enthusiasts scattered all across the globe – including Tajikistan. The founder of, Robert Middleton, originally dedicated this website to all Pamiri especially to the children.

Robert Middleton with Pik Engels in the Background (by Bradley Mayhew)
POMIR, feet of the sun,
Man and mountain and river are one.
Through pride in the land and pride in the earth
The people now celebrate a rebirth.
To give is to love, to love is to give;
To sing is to breathe, to dance is to live.
The feet caress the earth below,
Drawing the strength, releasing the flow.
The hands reach up to the sky above,
Catching the beauty, expressing the love.
Freshness and innocence, tenderness, grace –
In this Garden of Eden my soul’s found its place.
Earth, fire, water and air:
The fire’s in my heart, the water’s a tear